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"To invigorate business through science and technology and to lay the foundation by talented people" is the foundation and way of Jiangsu Lanling Group. The strategy of talents is the key point of the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Our standards for talents: honesty, integrity, loyalty, dedication; bold in innovation, exploring, competing and cooperation; rich in expertise and knowledge. Our standards of choosing talents: we attache importance to education background, but more importance to competence; we attache importance to diploma, but more importance to professionality. Through the establishment and improvement of talent incentive mechanism, competition mechanism, selection mechanism and restraint mechanism, the Group has formed a "reservoir" of scientific and technical personnel, marketing personnel, management personnel and skilled manpower. Faced with the opportunities and challenges brought by the knowledge-based economy, the Group will further create and perfect the environment for the growth of qualified personnel, to retain people with undertaking, affection and remuneration. Fully explore the enthusiasm and creativity of existing personnel, timely introduce various types of applicable, cultivable and innovative talents.

Encourage innovation, encourage competition, promote cooperation, respect labor, respect knowledge, respect talents, respect creation, enable elites of all walks of life to make concerted efforts for the leap in development of the cause of Lanling and for its greater glory, so as to achieve self-worth and to creat a better future hand in hand.

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